Shared system"KUMaCo"

What is KUMaCo?

KUMaCo (Kyoto University Management System for Core Facilities) is a usage management system for shared facilities that uses the Internet and dedicated software.

【英語版】KUMaCo処理イメージ 0208.png

Please use KUMaCo's My Portal to apply for equipment use and make reservations for equipment.⇓⇓

▶KUMaCo My Portal Login


Regarding "Katsurayui" user registration in 2024 (new application)

▶On-campus users (Application period: March 15, 2024 to February 28, 2025)

▶For non-students (Application period: March 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025)

※ If you are making a new application, please be sure to read "2-3. New application (internal) PDF File"  「2-3.新規申請(学内者)(日本語版)PDF File」or "2-4. New application (off-campus) PDF File" in the "KUMaCo Manual."「2-4.新規申請(学外者)(日本語版)PDF File

※ Regarding use of equipment by non-students

Non-students cannot use the service in March.

In addition, non-students are required to submit a "Deposit Source Registration Request Form"「入金元登録依頼書Excel File」 only in the first year.

Before applying for use with KUMaCo, please submit the Excel file by email to the address below.

*Please remove the @ brackets and use half-width alphanumeric characters.
*Submission is required only in the first year. There is no need to resubmit at renewal time.

Regarding “Katsurayui” 2024 user registration (continuation application)

Please log in to KUMaCo My Portal and apply for renewal.

※The original application form must also be submitted for renewal applications.

Please print out the PDF attached to the application reception completion email, affix the seal of the person in charge of payment, and send it to our department.

Continuation application acceptance period: March 13, 2024 to June 30, 2024

For more information on continuation applications, please refer to KUMaCo manual "2-1. Continuation application (internal)" 「2-1. 継続申請(学内者)(日本語版)PDF Fileor "2-2. Continuation application (off-campus)”「2-2. 継続申請(学外者)(日本語版)PDF File」 

After the renewal application acceptance period ends, you will no longer be able to continue the renewal procedure even if you log in to My Portal. In that case, please make a new application.
If the email address and staff number/student number are the same as last year, it will be automatically linked to last year's account.


  学術協力課 研究施設支援掛 宛

(Application form address)
Kyoto University Katsura District (Graduate School of Engineering) Administrative Office
Academic Cooperation Division Research Facility Support Section

Regarding "Katsurayui" 2024 usage registration application (bulk application) ※This is the format for on-campus user registration.

Please download the form below, fill in the necessary information, and submit the [Bulk Application Format (Excel file)] to the inquiry email address.

Please print out the [User Registration Application Form (Word file)] and submit the original paper with the seal of the person responsible for payment.

Please refer to the KUMaCo manual "2-5. Bulk Application (Internal Students)" 「2-5. 一括申請(学内者)(日本語版)PDF File」for preparation.

▶《学内者用》一括申請フォーマット 2024年版 [For on-campus members] Bulk application format 2024 editionExcel File

(Reception period: March 14, 2024 to February 28, 2025)

▶《学内者用》利用登録申請書一括登録申請用2024年版 [For on-campus users] Usage registration application form [For bulk registration application] 2024 versionWord File

(Reception period: March 14, 2024 to February 28, 2025)

(Sample)《For on-campus users》User registration application form [For bulk registration application]PDF File

(見本)《学内者用》利用登録申請書一括登録申請用PDF File

Contact information

For inquiries regarding KUMaCo, please contact us by email.


Please remove the @ brackets and use half-width alphanumeric characters.

About KUMaCo manual(Japanese version)

(Updated March 2023)

1.About “Katsurayui”(日本語版)PDF File

2-1.Continuation application (inside the university) (日本語版)PDF File

2-2.Continuation application (outside the university) (日本語版)PDF File

2-3.New application (inside the university) (日本語版)PDF File

2-4.New application  (outside the university)(日本語版)PDF File

2-5.About bulk application (for internal students only)(日本語版)PDF File

3. About KUMaCo My Portal(日本語版)PDF File
(Confirm/change registered information from KUMaCo My Portal)

4. Regarding application for equipment use(日本語版)PDF File  ・・・・・・・Detailed manual

5. Regarding equipment reservations (reservation procedures for equipment usage, etc.)(日本語版)PDF File ・・・・・・・Detailed manual

6. Regarding equipment usage records (start to end of usage, confirmation of usage amount)(日本語版)PDF File・・・・・・・Detailed manual

7.Regarding user registration change application利用者登録変更申請について(日本語版)PDF File

8..About commissioned analysis受託解析について(日本語版)PDF File ・・・・・・・Detailed manual

About usage fees

Please refer to the following regarding accounting procedures for paid expenses.

Accounting method for payment expenses related to “Katsurayui” shared use facilities「桂結」共同利用設備に係る利用料金の支払経費別会計処理方法PDF File

Contact information

For inquiries regarding KUMaCo, please contact us by email.


Please remove the @ brackets and use half-width alphanumeric characters.