- https://t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/news-events/events/admg/240125
- 日本航空宇宙学会関西支部分科会「流体力学における現代的アプローチ」講演会
- 2012-01-25T16:00:00+09:00
- 2012-01-25T17:00:00+09:00
- 日時 2012年01月25日 16時00分~17時00分
- 場所 工学部11号館 2F 会議室
- ウェブ http://www.mfd.me.kyoto-u.ac.jp/jsass23-25.htm
Comparison between the IPL and VHS collisions models
Dr. Robert Rubinstein (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA USA)
The success of the variable hard sphere (VHS) collision model, as a computationally convenient substitute for the inverse power law (IPL) collision model in DSMC calculations, is indisputable. But what is the reason for this success? We will attempt to quantify the differences between the IPL and VHS models by considering how the corresponding change of the collision integral changes the terms in the Chapman-Enskog and Grad expansions of the Boltzmann equation. Comparison with recent related work by Gallis and Torczynski will be given.